Jan Ekstedt and his wife, Elaine, created Ekstedt Entertainment and the Seattle String Quartet to help put him through seminary. He received a Master's of Divinity degree from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon, studying theology and psychotherapy at Western's branch campus, Mars Hill Graduate School in Seattle, WA. In 2005 he was ordained with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) at the First Christian Church of Kent, WA. See Jan's music resume here.
He is presently the Senior Pastor at the First Christian Church in McAllen, TX. His wife, Elaine, has retired after booking the Seattle String Quartet for over 20 year.
Our musicians have received numerous awards while playing in the wedding and corporate markets, The Seattle String Quartet can be found on the preferred vendor lists of virtually all of the major event locations in the Pacific Northwest, as well as the best wedding vendors and consultants.
Jan's teacher: Emanual Zetlin, Kelly Farris, and Henry Siegl
Emanual Zetlin and Jascha Heifez studied with Leopold Auer
Kelly Farris and Itzhak Perlman studied with Ivan Galamian
Henry Siegl who was concertmaster of the Seattle Symphony for 26 years. Siegl had previously been principal violinist in the NBC Symphony under Arturo Toscnini